Jim Abbott, who only had one hand, pitched for 1o seasons in the big leagues, including one in the pitcher-hitting National League. Abbott's 1991 Upper Deck card features him bunting

And the back of the card shows him on base, different at-bat (check the batting gloves):

In Abbott's last season, he pitched for the Milwaukee Brewers and got to the plate 24 times. He collected two hits (both singles), three sacrifice bunts, and three rbi.
Pretty cool!
Could be a sliding glove. They didn't have interleague play, so that had to be a spring game against the Dodgers. The last spring game of the year usually at big league parks.
Abbott's always been one of MB's feel-good stories, and I like that. Seriously, a one-armed guy throwing a no-hitter?!
Just found this post in my sidebar - very cool card! Abbott always seemed like such an awesome guy.
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