It's the card I (and possibly the Dean Family) have been waiting for. I'll save my commentary until after you are awed by the first, but not the last, headband of Tito Fuentes!

Possible reasons for the headband:
1. Tito's hat often pops off due to his blinding speed and large afro hairstyle.
2. Men just don't have enough accessories. The ladies have purses, jewelry, shoes, etc and no team would allow cuff links on uniforms, except maybe the Chicago White Sox. (They will wear anything!)
3. Fuentes sweats a LOT, through a headband, his hat, and then his hat's headband.
4. He is cool and isn't interested in explaining it to losers like you and me.
1. Midwest League All-Star and Decatur's MVP in 1963. (This tidbit is only 10 years late.)
2. Dominican records for hits (5) and doubles (3) in a game in 1967. (Slightly less late.)
3. Yet another solid effort at the plate in 1973.
4. High School letter in Boxing. (Another sign of his toughness.)
5. This isn't new but I keep forgetting to add it. Tito Fuentes signs his name Titofuentes. One word, no space, no capital F. How's that for style?
With the 1974 Topps card, I hope you can begin to see why I am a Tito Fuentes Super Fan!
That card id awesome. Titofuentes rocks! Now, can you get him to sign Titofuentes 35 years later, that's the question.
It's seems so trite to say "I love this card," but I LOVE THIS CARD. I dare say, however, that this is not the best headband appearance. I won't tip my hand further as to provide a spoiler to the unaware.
Just think we celebrate all these great cards of our youth with dedicated card web-sites all knowing they were produced during an era of ONE CARD COMPANY!!
Sadly, the Tito '74 card lost out to the Oscar Gamble '75 card in battle for title as the most iconic '70s card here:
It was a beat-down.
Still a great card.
It's all starting to make sense now...
More of Tito's headbands right here:
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