Rowland Office!

1. Sweet Name: Rowland Johnie Office. Even his middle name is cool.
There is a Brave-centric blog, Rowland's Office. Clever use of a good name, but much too Brave-ish for my delicate Met sensibilities. book
2. Afrotasticness: I am pretty sure that is a word.
His Expo hat may be hiding a giant bald spot between two Afro-Puffs.
Rowland has a full-size Afro, part of which fits neatly under said Expo hat.
Either way, any Afro is alright in my .
3. Style: XL wrist bands & jacket
His nylon jacket could mean he just finished the day shift at Leon's Barber Shop or he is about to bowl a few frames at the Montreal Bowl-A-Rama. The wrist bands say he is a sweaty man's man!
The Expos finished 1 lousy game behind the World Champion Phillies in the NL East. Oh well, the Expos are now the Nats and until they put a decent team on the field, no one will care.
If you like this one, more 1981 Fleer posts can be found here.
That's not very nice of your insurance company. :(
I couldn't agree with you more! Rowland is one cool cat.
In 1978, the Phillies outfield featured 3 primo afros on the heads of Bake McBride, Garry Maddox, and Jose Cardenal. (And 5 years earlier, they had Oscar Gamble!)
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